Maria-Iris HOEPPE Professional Sport Mental Coach

No matter how hardworking and physically talented an athlete is, if he or she is not able to successfully perform daily mental tasks, then it is unlikely that constant athletic success will occur.
"There is a gap between stimulus and response. In that space is our power to choose our answer. Our answer is our growth and our freedom. ” Viktor Franckl

Mental training of a sportive is reflected in almost everything he does:
In cultivating self-motivation for training
In the way he does in the face of pain and injury
In the way you face adversity
In the way he endures failure and learns from it
In successful communication with teammates and coaches
In the approach of the theoretical study, of the specialized books and tactical training a competitions
In the way he re-focuses during the game
In the way knows how to balance tasks in sports with other responsibilities and life tasks (school, family, etc.)
In making daily decisions regarding integrity and responsibility
In maintaining a high level of self-motivation the court
In stress management
In the channeling unconstructive emotions
In refining degree of concentration
In building strategies before the game and their successful implementation during the competition
In cultivating and using intuition during the game
In understanding the profiles of teammates and opponents.
In the clear establishment and follow-up goals
Maybe we shouldn't spend too much time trying to determine the exact percentages of mental coaching and performance, although we could do it pretty accurately, but to simply acknowledge that athletes (and coaches) who spend little or no time developing endurance and clarity mental, dramatically limits their chances at success. The good news is that it exists today specialists who facilitates coaches and athletes to increase his strength mental.
“Your native gifts and hard physical work makes you an athlet. Your mind and your gifts make you a performer”